Tuesday, December 9, 2014

New Looks

Last week I talked about the state of Michigan football. Surprisingly, that day, Michigan's head coach Brady Hoke was fired. What needed to be done, now is done. I love that Michigan gave coach Hoke a warm leaving, even if he left with a bad record, Michigan fans support Hoke as he leaves is a great thing as a fan. I wouldn't want anyone to feel like they never belonged to a place where they coached over 3-4 years. Former students that played for Michigan recently sent in a letter to the next coach coming into Michigan. It was a great warming letter that shed light to many fans. It seems as if they really want to be a part of the team. With that being said, use all the tools that are given to you. These former players are great skilled players, players that all successfully made it far in the NFL. These players have so much knowledge to give to young athletes that will or are playing for Michigan. The thoughts of coaches coming to Michigan are plentiful. I am just going to wait it out until the final weeks of making the decision. I'm looking forward to what is going to pan out for next year for Michigan football. Michigan basketball looks great as usual. They only have one loss that came to a team that was ranked in the top 5 in the country. I also am looking forward to watching them play this year, especially against Michigan State. MSU isn't looking as good as the past years, so now I would like to see Michigan roll over them again like the past couple of years. It just makes it balanced on the scale for Michigan fans.
The lions look like they might squeeze into the playoffs this year. I don’t want to jinx them, but the leader in our division is Green Bay. The lions should easily win this game, that’s if Stafford shows up and passes to multiple people. Megatron seems like he’s 100%, and all we need is to have Reggie Bush to be fully healthy so we can get this huge train rolling to the Super Bowl! It’s a strong possibility to me. They are beating teams that are championship teams. Sometimes they beat these teams with ease. The only reason they lose, because they screw up, and not show up. They are the top dogs, 1st in defense, and there offense is very explosive.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I want to talk about the state of Michigan this blog. The Football team of course isn't looking like they have in the previous successful years. Different coaches have come and gone. The coach right now “Brady Hoke” isn’t looking so hot right now. I’m thinking that this will be his last year as a Michigan head coach. With that being said lots of suggestions have come into play. Plenty of alumni coaches have been brought up for discussion. One that looks very good is Jim Harbough. He is the coach for San Francisco. His year isn’t looking so great as well. The athletic director for Michigan resigned this year, which makes more moves possible. Bringing Jim will hopefully bring back our top recruits that we lost this year, due to our bad performance last year, and this year unfortunately. Things need to happen it’s apparent to every Michigan fan, and even football fans.  Michigan needs to win going out of the season. If not it will hurt their chances with recruits, and big time coaches.

Basketball for Michigan has been surprisingly increasing. The past five years seems like they couldn’t get better. Every year they produce NBA players, thus they leave with only giving Michigan only a year or rarely two years. The head coach is great, he produces great young players every year. Watch out this year, I have a good feeling they will do just as good as they did last year. They have a great squad that seems unselfish when it comes to the team. They all know how to play their part. The only weak point that they are struggling in is big guys. They don’t have that dominate rebounder, and scorer. They always seem to have a grinder for a big guy. That’s okay especially with the offense they play with. If they focus on producing a dominate center, then they have
a championship team.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Frustration with Lions

The lions look like they are on a drought. The defense is there. They are the reason the Lions stay in games. Lately the main concern for the Lions and Lions fans is if the offense can come through and win. Stafford looks like the same as last year. Only looking at one receiver throughout the whole game. That receiver is Calvin Johnson. This man is great, but he's getting double teamed the majority of the game, sometimes even triple teamed. Which obviously opens up other receivers. One of my favorite players on the lions Golden Tate, has barely got any passes thrown to him. Without Megatron in for a few weeks, we successfully won games in a row. The main compartment of winning those games was Golden Tate. So why do you not go to him in games where we are losing?! I just don't understand, and as a Lions fan it's very frustrating to see Stafford not progress this year. How hard is it to see that as a coach? Your a professional coach, and you have a professional coaching staff. Do something about it! I mean i feel like he doesn't even notice it! The offense of lion needs to step up as well and give more time for Stafford to throw the ball. With that being said, Stafford makes simple mistakes that cost us yards, or even downs. They need to get things rolling so we can win the division. The Lions are better than Green Bay, but they have to play like it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My Eventful Halloween Weekend

This week was a handful people. I planned on having a huge Halloween party Friday. My two roommates and I went to tons of Halloween stores to look for costumes and decorations. On the way back to our house we noticed a big tree down in the front of our yard. As we came closer to investigate, we noticed that the tree knocked down our power line. We were devastated, yet still determined to get things all together for the party still. We had to run all the way to Clio to get a generator. We finally got home around the time the party was going to start. Our other roommate just arrived from work. He was livid and he didn’t want us to have a party. We thought it through and decided to move the party to another house. We just got to the house and the neighbor told us to leave or he’ll call the cops. So we then thought it over again. We figured out another place to go partying. Finally with only half of the whole original people that were supposed to come, showed up to party hardy. It was a great party, and everyone dressed up in a costume. People loved my costume, and for some odd reason every girl wanted a picture with me. I guess everyone likes a 60’s porn-star. The next two days, we went through not having any power. We had blankets on top of blankets. Multiple Candles everywhere. I didn’t get a chance to even watch any football games. I wasn’t even worried at the moment for them anyways. I was worried if we could get our power on so we can do our homework and study. Sunday finally came and we noticed that the power was on. You never know how vital energy is until you don’t have it. So I solute you energy and everything you have done to advance our society, and technology.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Taste of Music This Week

I tend to have a new favorite artist every week.  It might be some rapper group, and it could also be an old band from the 50’s or 60’s. From Frank Sinatra to Kid Cudi. I appreciate all different forms of music. I wanted to talk about my favorite artist this week. I hopefully think you all should have heard of them. The band’s name called Led Zeppelin. They go perfect for this week. I have been so engulfed with homework and studying this week. Led Zeppelin is a perfect band to listen to while doing things such as homework or studying. They don’t go overboard with instruments. They are very fluid and the instruments seem to intertwine perfectly to every different song they have. The best thing is that they don’t stick with one style, basically the opposite of what you here now on the radio stations. They all seem to sound the same. They all seem to deal with the same kind of subject. With Led zeppelin they sing a story, its raw they made their own music. They didn’t have all these producers to help them out. I truly wish I was born in their time era. Where music was true music. Where they actually took time and thought of what they were making. I feel like artist now just write a song for fame, where there really isn’t any meaning to their music. When I say artist, I’m talking about the stuff you kids listen to on the radio.
                Led Zeppelin was around prominently in the 70’s. Where basically every great band played. This was the time for true Rock. Where the Beatles and Bob Segar, and many other bands rocked out for fans, especially in Detroit. Detroit was the place where bands went to see if they made it or not. I remember listening to a story either from the Rolling Stones or Kiss, and they said if you were in Detroit and the crowed was not sitting, you were doing well. If the crowed was really involved, you made it. Sometimes I wish I could go back for a few days just to listen to bands rock out in Detroit.
1.       https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSgNaBCOjqQ3Cbj54k10CJXGhWJQ-6l6QxV00YbyrFMvWigrodxcg