Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Taste of Music This Week

I tend to have a new favorite artist every week.  It might be some rapper group, and it could also be an old band from the 50’s or 60’s. From Frank Sinatra to Kid Cudi. I appreciate all different forms of music. I wanted to talk about my favorite artist this week. I hopefully think you all should have heard of them. The band’s name called Led Zeppelin. They go perfect for this week. I have been so engulfed with homework and studying this week. Led Zeppelin is a perfect band to listen to while doing things such as homework or studying. They don’t go overboard with instruments. They are very fluid and the instruments seem to intertwine perfectly to every different song they have. The best thing is that they don’t stick with one style, basically the opposite of what you here now on the radio stations. They all seem to sound the same. They all seem to deal with the same kind of subject. With Led zeppelin they sing a story, its raw they made their own music. They didn’t have all these producers to help them out. I truly wish I was born in their time era. Where music was true music. Where they actually took time and thought of what they were making. I feel like artist now just write a song for fame, where there really isn’t any meaning to their music. When I say artist, I’m talking about the stuff you kids listen to on the radio.
                Led Zeppelin was around prominently in the 70’s. Where basically every great band played. This was the time for true Rock. Where the Beatles and Bob Segar, and many other bands rocked out for fans, especially in Detroit. Detroit was the place where bands went to see if they made it or not. I remember listening to a story either from the Rolling Stones or Kiss, and they said if you were in Detroit and the crowed was not sitting, you were doing well. If the crowed was really involved, you made it. Sometimes I wish I could go back for a few days just to listen to bands rock out in Detroit.
1.       https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSgNaBCOjqQ3Cbj54k10CJXGhWJQ-6l6QxV00YbyrFMvWigrodxcg

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Be Professional

This week I want to talk about the state of the NFL’s problem with players and how they conduct themselves on and off the field. Lately all you see on ESPN is Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson and how they conducted themselves off the field. It started with a great count of looking down on them. But as the weeks progress, people seemed to team up with them, saying that it’s none of our business what they do off the field. That the Media makes big things out of nothing. That they don’t give them space or enough freedom. Well to me it boils down to how much you love the game. Growing up I looked up to a great running back. His name is Barry Sanders. I wanted to be exactly like him when I played. I loved everything about him. He was very soft spoken. Whenever he scored a touchdown, he would almost immediately run to the closest referee to hand him the ball. Growing up every time I scored a touchdown, I would do the same exact thing. To Barry Sanders, he just did it to be respectful. What he might not know is that thousands of kids are mimicking his actions as well. With that being said, Adrian Peterson and Ray Rice must have had a player they looked up to as well. They should know how much a person will looked up to you if you’re a professional athlete. The way they conduct themselves reflects many people in many different ways. You’re on a spotlight for a reason. You don’t even have to make it to the major leagues, you can make to a college and you’ll be a hometown hero for many young athletes.  These athletes should not get another chance, they downgraded the NFL. They basically made ESPN a drama show. I’m sorry but I’m not all about that. It’s like watching MTV. I’m not trying to tell someone how to live their lives, but damn you finally made it, and you go around doing stupid things that could ruin your career is mind-blowing! I would be so humbled, and so focused on being a great, that I don’t think I would even have time to do anything that could potentially ruin my career. If you’re a dog, you don’t deserve to be on the field playing in front of so many people. The people that do deserve to play are the ones that struggled to get to the top, and realize how they got there.  I don’t like football because of the loud mouth bad attitude players. I like football because it’s a team sport, and you have to use all of your heart and skill to be a good player.
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQa07aouM9AsDPbM-rtPfWX1gPvZG1K5gU1aV9-73ywLhPW_UYNqA Barry Sander
https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5j_nlMVhv25TeG0f1CgwdTl5HbsW3NF0lwzjtuWltm0ahlp_9swRay Rice

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Well I just want to start off with saying finally! Finally Michigan won a Big Ten game! They beat Penn State, and it was a win that was way past due. Michigan looks like they are playing for more than just the university. They seem like they are playing for the team itself. They have been under so much scrutiny lately with fans hating on Hoke and how they have been terrible this season. Hopefully this ignites a deep flame that will make them win every game for the rest of the season. I can only have high hopes right?! I plan on tailgating with my buddies that go to U of M for homecoming two weeks from now I believe.  It’s been a while since I set foot in Ann Arbor. I strongly suggest visiting there if you haven’t been there before. It’s very beautiful, and there is a bunch of history of U of M as well.
The lions came out very successful this week. Beating the Vikings. This was a big win in my book. The lions were missing to main impact players. Reggie Bush, and Calvin Johnson. With this win, this tells me that we can win as a team. We don’t need our best players to play in order for us to win. We have a deep great bench. This will give the Lions a lot of confidence going into the next game. Speaking of the next game. I am going to the Lions game against the Saints with my pops. I am so excited, I plan on betting 100 bucks with a guy I work with, that the Lions will beat the Saints.
Overall this week was awesome. I finished all my major papers, and killed my math test. The only thing that enraged me, my computer took a poop on me yesterday. So I had to get up super early to come to delta, just to do this blog. Also I’m trying to get this done, and try reading all the stories we were supposed to read over this weekend. I am not a procrastinator, my computer just died on me over the night. Explain to me how this could happen? It was working all fine the day before, now it won’t even turn on! I am broke like a joke, thus I probably will have to barrow someone’s laptop every time I have a paper to do. I am very happy about this and I can’t wait for the rest of the semester!
