Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I'm super pooped

alright well this week was pretty hectic. I really didn't have any time to do anything besides work and do homework. I watched some football, but not as much as i would of liked. I know that Michigan is going down the drenches. I just am going to forget them this season. I did an all nighter yesterday just to finish a experiment, and i didn't even have time to study for the exam. I am basically running on fums right now. I just want to sleep in for once. Sleeping sounds like heaven right now. A solid eight hours would suffice. lately i'm averaging around three hours of sleep. I really am just trying to figure out what i want to even write down for this blog. To be honest i really wish i knew someone right now that could do this for money. I'm guilty for paying people to do my work, but hey money makes the world go around. I thankfully have money, but unfortunately all of my friends are just as lazy or as busy as me.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Well, I guess I’ll start off with saying I probably won't be talking about Michigan football for the rest of the season. I gave up on them this week, they lost to Utah and I lost hope in a winning season this year. Unless they make some changes I will start actually doing something productive on my Saturday.
            The lions kicked some cheese heads this week! I really haven’t witnessed the Lions beating the Packers, thus I felt like a million bucks Sunday! I didn't get to see the majority of the second half. I had to work my booty off at work, but I still got to see my favorite player “as of right now” run over Green Bay Packers defense! Reggie Bush was my main motivator growing up playing football. He played his position perfect and I wanted to mimic him as much as I could so I could make it in college. Reggie is a big time boss and he showed it this week against the Packers. Overall Go Lions!
This week was enriched with many surprises. My dog made me clean my whole entire room basically. I woke up around 11 in the morning. Bear “my dog” was cuddled up near my feet. I got up and bear hugged him, not too tight of course. He loves it so much he starts snoring, but this time he jumped out of bed and peed right in front of me!  So I had to smack it booty of course to make him stop!  He then jumped up in my bed and peed again! So I smacked his booty again! He ran near the stairs and peed again! So I chased him downstairs, until he got to the door, and I told my roommate and as soon as I did he peed again! Right next to the door! I was livid! I yelled at him and sprayed him with a water bottle when he walked outside. I just didn’t get it but I am not the guy who just ponders over things, I had to clean his piss! Especially on my bed! I rushed to Wally World to get stain and odor remover. It took me a while to finally get to a cash register of course. I finally got home and put Bear in his kennel for time out. I spent all day cleaning my house, and laundry due to my young adopted son of a pup! I love him to death, but oh do I want to kill him sometimes! I have learned patients more than anything by adopting this dog.

Monday, September 15, 2014

football week two in Michigan

Well this week was pretty boring for football. Michigan played against Ohio Bobcats, or  
What college from Ohio I’m talking about. It wasn't really a main concern as you can tell. Michigan State had a bye week and I really could care less, since I don't like Michigan state or a quote I like “little brother" ha-ha sorry I don't say that, other than right there.
            The main concern this week in Michigan was regrettably the Lions. I really was thinking that the Lions would roll over Cam Newton and the Panthers, even if they had them losing by five. I thought after last week Matthew Stafford, was prime and crisp on every aspect of his quarterback career. This week gave me a little bit concern if I was actually wrong. I’ll give him one more week until I want him traded! J
            I really don’t have any much more to say because I didn’t really have time to pay attention to football this week to be honest. I had work all weekend, and an unforgettable weekend with my dad going to my favorite restaurant Mongolian BBQ, if you haven’t been there, I strongly suggest you go! After stopping at Mongolian BBQ, we had to head to the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit to see one of my dad’s and I’s favorite band The Black Keys and, Cage the Elephant.  It was AMAZING! Both bands got the crowd going, and The Black Keys really shredded the guitar which made the crowd go bonkers!
            The Joe was jaw dropping if you haven’t ever been there before, which was my case. I was pretty tipsy during the concert which made it easier for me to scream out the lyrics with other fans. For some reason a bunch of older people there with either their son’s or with their significant other.  With that being said, there was a bunch of really good looking mothers that just almost nearly blew my eyes sockets out,  I’m pretty sure my dad’s too! The beer cost was outrageous though! I had to sell my left kidney for just a pint of miler light! Realistically it cost 7.50 for a pint. That’s where they really screw people over. Beer usually equals a good time, along with good music.  Oh I also suggest listening to The Black Keys if you haven’t before.  “Warning,” I don’t suggest it to people who don’t like real good music.
            Overall it was a great weekend, but only decent for foosball in Michigan. Matthew Stafford you get better Mr.! Michigan you need to win next week, and the weeks before, so I can feel more comfortable as a Michigan Wolverine fan. GO BLUE! GO LIONS! And most importantly, thank you dad for an unforgettable day at the Joe Louis!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Restore the roar is on its way in Detroit

Going into this year’s season, I felt a good deal of effort was involved in getting good trades and drafts this year. The first official game was held This Monday, and it seemed as if everything was down to par with the Detroit Lions. The quarterback Matthew Stafford looked like he finally bumped up a level in his game-play, throwing great with great composure. He had great players to open up the field. I don’t even need to start with Megatron, because well, we all just know he is the best. Besides him, he had Golden Tate doing a great job to find open space. Right beside Stafford is a great running back, Reggie Bush. Reggie is a great asset to the team, he makes linebackers respect the short pass game, and also him running the ball in and outside of the Lions line.
The Defense looked way better than the past years defense. They seem to jell more in the back field. The defensive backs were a big deal coming into this season, since last year they seemed like garbage.  They showed this Monday that they are ready to play the pass more with more aggressiveness. The Defense of line is just tenacious! The other team has to base a scheme on the Lions defensive line. They basically have to double team Suh the majority of the game. And with fairly on the other side, I guess all you can say is “good luck”! Overall the lions impressed a lot of fans, giving us some light on what is to come in this upcoming season.
            Another team I plan on blogging about is the Michigan Wolverines. I've been a die heart fan since I was a wee lil lad. I even got a tattoo of the old school wolverine! This year doesn't look as promising though. I will always have hope for Michigan, but these past few years have been depressing. Don’t get me wrong they still did good and made it to a bowl game, yet they just aren't where I expect them to be. Growing up was a great time for a Michigan fan. They seemed to always win and be ranked top 5. Ever since Loyd Carr retired, the whole system has gone down.
They have hired jokes for coaches; Rich Rod was not what you would want for a traditional team. He completely changed the offensive system, and picked up some not so well commitments. I love Robinson, but I will always pick the traditional quarterback, I feel as if they make better decisions in tight situations. Brady Hoke is a joke and I feel horrible not backing up my favorite team, but I just can’t stand the guy!

I’m hoping for a successful season and to hopefully make it to the playoffs, but with how the Big Ten is playing, I don’t know what is in store for the future.