Monday, September 15, 2014

football week two in Michigan

Well this week was pretty boring for football. Michigan played against Ohio Bobcats, or  
What college from Ohio I’m talking about. It wasn't really a main concern as you can tell. Michigan State had a bye week and I really could care less, since I don't like Michigan state or a quote I like “little brother" ha-ha sorry I don't say that, other than right there.
            The main concern this week in Michigan was regrettably the Lions. I really was thinking that the Lions would roll over Cam Newton and the Panthers, even if they had them losing by five. I thought after last week Matthew Stafford, was prime and crisp on every aspect of his quarterback career. This week gave me a little bit concern if I was actually wrong. I’ll give him one more week until I want him traded! J
            I really don’t have any much more to say because I didn’t really have time to pay attention to football this week to be honest. I had work all weekend, and an unforgettable weekend with my dad going to my favorite restaurant Mongolian BBQ, if you haven’t been there, I strongly suggest you go! After stopping at Mongolian BBQ, we had to head to the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit to see one of my dad’s and I’s favorite band The Black Keys and, Cage the Elephant.  It was AMAZING! Both bands got the crowd going, and The Black Keys really shredded the guitar which made the crowd go bonkers!
            The Joe was jaw dropping if you haven’t ever been there before, which was my case. I was pretty tipsy during the concert which made it easier for me to scream out the lyrics with other fans. For some reason a bunch of older people there with either their son’s or with their significant other.  With that being said, there was a bunch of really good looking mothers that just almost nearly blew my eyes sockets out,  I’m pretty sure my dad’s too! The beer cost was outrageous though! I had to sell my left kidney for just a pint of miler light! Realistically it cost 7.50 for a pint. That’s where they really screw people over. Beer usually equals a good time, along with good music.  Oh I also suggest listening to The Black Keys if you haven’t before.  “Warning,” I don’t suggest it to people who don’t like real good music.
            Overall it was a great weekend, but only decent for foosball in Michigan. Matthew Stafford you get better Mr.! Michigan you need to win next week, and the weeks before, so I can feel more comfortable as a Michigan Wolverine fan. GO BLUE! GO LIONS! And most importantly, thank you dad for an unforgettable day at the Joe Louis!

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